Physical Review E – June 1996
Volume 53, Issue 6



Instabilities on crystal surfaces: The two-component body-centered solid-on-solid model
Enrico Carlon, Henk van Beijeren, and Giorgio Mazzeo
pp. R5549-R5552 [View PDF (131 kB)]
Scaling properties of Lyapunov spectra for the band random matrix model
T. Kottos, A. Politi, F. M. Izrailev, and S. Ruffo
pp. R5553-R5556 [View PDF (116 kB)]
Hard turbulence in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection
K. Julien, S. Legg, J. McWilliams, and J. Werne
pp. R5557-R5560 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Early stages of ramified growth in quasi-two-dimensional electrochemical deposition
John R. de Bruyn
pp. R5561-R5564 [View PDF (114 kB)]
Extended self-similarity in numerical simulations of three-dimensional anisotropic turbulence
R. Benzi, M. V. Struglia, and R. Tripiccione
pp. R5565-R5568 [View PDF (109 kB)]
Intermittency interpretation of persistent small scale anisotropy in turbulence
Alan R. Kerstein
pp. R5569-R5571 [View PDF (66 kB)]
Dynamics of surface patterning in salt-crystal dissolution
Yuanming Liu, Li Ning, and Robert E. Ecke
pp. R5572-R5575 [View PDF (151 kB)]
Normal and anomalous scaling in a problem of a passively advected magnetic field
Vadim Borue and Victor Yakhot
pp. R5576-R5579 [View PDF (127 kB)]
Field-induced thickness change of ferroelectric liquid crystal films
Antal Jákli and Alfred Saupe
pp. R5580-R5583 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Depinning transition of a directed polymer by a periodic potential: A d-dimensional solution
S. Galluccio and R. Graber
pp. R5584-R5587 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Interface dynamics in a block copolymer melt and the effect of noise
Shigeyuki Komura, Jun-ichi Fukuda, and Glenn C. Paquette
pp. R5588-R5591 [View PDF (123 kB)]
Instability of a contact surface driven by a nonuniform shock wave
R. Ishizaki, K. Nishihara, H. Sakagami, and Y. Ueshima
pp. R5592-R5595 [View PDF (141 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Homoclinic dynamics in experimental Shil’nikov attractors
R. Herrero, R. Pons, J. Farjas, F. Pi, and G. Orriols
pp. 5627-5636 [View PDF (224 kB)]
Quantitative analysis of a fracture surface by atomic force microscopy
Pascal Daguier, Stéphane Henaux, Elisabeth Bouchaud, and François Creuzet
pp. 5637-5642 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Effects of surface diffusion on the Eden model
C. S. Ryu and In-mook Kim
pp. 5643-5646 [View PDF (126 kB)]


Diffusion and trapping on a one-dimensional lattice
Achille Giacometti and K. P. N. Murthy
pp. 5647-5655 [View PDF (215 kB)]

General methods of statistical physics

Synchronization of symmetric chaotic systems
J. M. González-Miranda
pp. 5656-5669 [View PDF (5,111 kB)]


Rigid-body motion, interacting billiards, and billiards on curved manifolds
Rupak Chatterjee, A. D. Jackson, and N. L. Balazs
pp. 5670-5679 [View PDF (229 kB)]
External fluctuations in a pattern-forming instability
J. García-Ojalvo and J. M. Sancho
pp. 5680-5689 [View PDF (734 kB)]

General methods of statistical physics

Magnetotransport of the Sinai billiard
M. Flie\Ser, G. J. O. Schmidt, and H. Spohn
pp. 5690-5697 [View PDF (233 kB)]
Equation of state of the hard-sphere crystal
C. Rascón, L. Mederos, and G. Navascués
pp. 5698-5703 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Rotated sandpiles: The role of grain reorganization and inertia
G. C. Barker and Anita Mehta
pp. 5704-5713 [View PDF (453 kB)]
Virial expansions for quantum plasmas: Fermi-Bose statistics
Angel Alastuey and Asher Perez
pp. 5714-5728 [View PDF (345 kB)]
Correlations within eigenvectors and transition amplitudes in the two-body random interaction model
V. V. Flambaum, G. F. Gribakin, and F. M. Izrailev
pp. 5729-5741 [View PDF (296 kB)]
m-vector spin glass in the presence of a Gaussian random field
E. Nogueira, Jr., F. D. Nobre, S. Coutinho, and J. R. L. de Almeida
pp. 5742-5748 [View PDF (205 kB)]
Statistics of approximately self-affine fractals: Random corrugated surface and time series
Rama Kant
pp. 5749-5763 [View PDF (293 kB)]
Transient properties of a bistable kinetic model with correlations between additive and multiplicative noises: Mean first-passage time
Ya Jia and Jia-rong Li
pp. 5764-5768 [View PDF (136 kB)]
Analysis by the thermodynamic formalism for an experiment of an electronic circuit
Hiroshi Shibata and Kazuhiro Fukushima
pp. 5769-5773 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Expected number of distinct sites visited by N Lévy flights on a one-dimensional lattice
G. Berkolaiko, S. Havlin, H. Larralde, and G. H. Weiss
pp. 5774-5778 [View PDF (141 kB)]


From the quantum random walk to classical mesoscopic diffusion in crystalline solids
Salvador Godoy and L. S. García-Colín
pp. 5779-5785 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Steady-state analysis of a bistable system with additive and multiplicative noises
Ya Jia and Jia-rong Li
pp. 5786-5792 [View PDF (166 kB)]

General methods of statistical physics

Asymptotic scaling behavior of block entropies for an intermittent process
Jan Freund
pp. 5793-5799 [View PDF (192 kB)]
Bending-rigidity-driven transition and crumpling-point scaling of lattice vesicles
E. Orlandini, A. L. Stella, T. L. Einstein, M. C. Tesi, I. Beichl, and F. Sullivan
pp. 5800-5807 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Causality, response theory, and the second law of thermodynamics
Denis J. Evans and Debra J. Searles
pp. 5808-5815 [View PDF (185 kB)]
Quantum evolution of a chaotic system in contact with its surroundings
Shanta Chaudhuri, Devashis Majumdar, and Deb Shankar Ray
pp. 5816-5824 [View PDF (207 kB)]
Cluster-variation–Padé-approximants method and the critical exponents of the fcc Ising model
Alessandro Pelizzola
pp. 5825-5830 [View PDF (145 kB)]
Practical implementation of error estimation for the correlation dimension
M. Frank, G. Keller, and R. Sporer
pp. 5831-5836 [View PDF (160 kB)]
Microscopic theory for long-range spatial correlations in lattice gas automata
H. J. Bussemaker and M. H. Ernst
pp. 5837-5851 [View PDF (351 kB)]
Finite-size scaling of the Glauber model of critical dynamics
James H. Luscombe, Marshall Luban, and Joseph P. Reynolds
pp. 5852-5860 [View PDF (188 kB)]
Winding angle distributions for random walks and flux lines
Barbara Drossel and Mehran Kardar
pp. 5861-5871 [View PDF (237 kB)]
Generalized Langevin equations: Anomalous diffusion and probability distributions
Josep M. Porrà, Ke-Gang Wang, and Jaume Masoliver
pp. 5872-5881 [View PDF (192 kB)]
Correlation functions on the border lines of transient chaos
H. Lustfeld and P. Szépfalusy
pp. 5882-5889 [View PDF (167 kB)]
Quantum tunneling and stochastic resonance
Milena Grifoni, Ludwig Hartmann, Sabine Berchtold, and Peter Hänggi
pp. 5890-5898 [View PDF (178 kB)]
See Also: Erratum

Classical fluids

General formula for stationary or statistically homogeneous probability density functions
Emily S. C. Ching
pp. 5899-5903 [View PDF (135 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Dynamics of an assembly of finite-size Lennard-Jones spheres
P. Singh
pp. 5904-5915 [View PDF (238 kB)]
Dynamics of two-dimensional traveling-wave convection patterns
A. La Porta and C. M. Surko
pp. 5916-5934 [View PDF (2,906 kB)]
Density equilibration near the liquid-vapor critical point of a pure fluid. II. Coexisting phases for T<Tc
Fang Zhong and Horst Meyer
pp. 5935-5948 [View PDF (315 kB)]


Shear flows and segregation in the reaction A+B
M. J. Howard and G. T. Barkema
pp. 5949-5956 [View PDF (223 kB)]

Classical fluids

Variational bounds on energy dissipation in incompressible flows. III. Convection
Charles R. Doering and Peter Constantin
pp. 5957-5981 [View PDF (436 kB)]
Nonlinear analysis of the coupling between interface deflection and hexagonal patterns in Rayleigh-Bénard-Marangoni convection
Layachi Hadji
pp. 5982-5992 [View PDF (262 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Spatially periodic modulated Rayleigh-Bénard convection
R. Schmitz and W. Zimmermann
pp. 5993-6011 [View PDF (3,204 kB)]
Convective fingering of an autocatalytic reaction front
Michael R. Carey, Stephen W. Morris, and Paul Kolodner
pp. 6012-6015 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Chaos in nonpropagating hydrodynamic solitons
Chen Weizhong, Wei Rongjue, and Wang Benren
pp. 6016-6020 [View PDF (153 kB)]
Incomplete combustion in nonadiabatic premixed gas flames
L. Kagan and G. Sivashinsky
pp. 6021-6027 [View PDF (2,192 kB)]
Effect of coupling and linear transformation of waves in shear flows
G. D. Chagelishvili, A. D. Rogava, and D. G. Tsiklauri
pp. 6028-6031 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Turbulence in globally coupled maps
M. G. Cosenza and A. Parravano
pp. 6032-6037 [View PDF (142 kB)]
Phase transitions in driven lattice gases
J. Marro, A. Achahbar, P. L. Garrido, and J. J. Alonso
pp. 6038-6047 [View PDF (264 kB)]
Percolation in a self-avoiding vortex gas model of the λ transition in three dimensions
James H. Akao
pp. 6048-6055 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Influence of surface tension changes on hydrodynamic flow induced by traveling chemical waves
Kai Matthiessen, Hermann Wilke, and Stefan C. Müller
pp. 6056-6060 [View PDF (108 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Coarsening dynamics of field-induced inversion domain walls in smectic-C films
Bongsoo Kim, Sung Jong Lee, and Jong-Rim Lee
pp. 6061-6066 [View PDF (377 kB)]
Electrostriction of the cubic blue phases in the presence of bond orientational order
Lech Longa, Marta Żelazna, Hans-Rainer Trebin, and Józef Mościcki
pp. 6067-6073 [View PDF (263 kB)]
Generalized dynamic domain shape calculation in ferroelectric liquid crystals
Qi Jiang, Joseph E. Maclennan, and Noel A. Clark
pp. 6074-6079 [View PDF (190 kB)]
Nonlinear dielectric relaxation spectroscopy of the antiferroelectric liquid crystal 4-(1-trifluoromethyl-pheptyloxycarbonyl) phenyl 4-octyloxybiphenyl-4-carboxylate
Yasuyuki Kimura, Reinosuke Hayakawa, Nobuhiro Okabe, and Yoshiichi Suzuki
pp. 6080-6084 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Theory of light scattering by thin nematic liquid crystal films
S. Stallinga, M. M. Wittebrood, D. H. Luijendijk, and Th. Rasing
pp. 6085-6092 [View PDF (165 kB)]
van der Waals–induced distortions in nematic liquid crystals close to a surface
M. Rajteri, G. Barbero, P. Galatola, C. Oldano, and S. Faetti
pp. 6093-6100 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Electroconvective instabilities in smectic-C* liquid crystal films
Stefan Ried, Harald Pleiner, Walter Zimmermann, and Helmut R. Brand
pp. 6101-6114 [View PDF (291 kB)]


Steady-state shear experiments on a side-chain liquid-crystal polymer: Determination of the polymer conformation and liquid-crystal structure
L. Noirez and A. Lapp
pp. 6115-6120 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Dynamic behaviors of fractal-like domains in monolayers
Mu Wang, Cheng Sun, Ru-Wen Peng, Nai-Ben Ming, Jan van Esch, Helmut Ringsdorf, and Piet Bennema
pp. 6121-6125 [View PDF (205 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Rheology of gelatin solutions at the sol-gel transition
J. Peyrelasse, M. Lamarque, J. P. Habas, and N. El Bounia
pp. 6126-6133 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Percolation in fluid mixtures containing adhesive charged hard spheres
Tetsuo Kaneko
pp. 6134-6143 [View PDF (204 kB)]
Singularity-free interpretation of the thermodynamics of supercooled water
Srikanth Sastry, Pablo G. Debenedetti, Francesco Sciortino, and H. E. Stanley
pp. 6144-6154 [View PDF (205 kB)]
Local order in two-dimensional colloidal aggregation
J. C. Earnshaw, M. B. J. Harrison, and D. J. Robinson
pp. 6155-6163 [View PDF (1,578 kB)]
Phase transition and critical behavior in Langmuir films of myristic acid
Naoto Sakamoto, Keiji Sakai, and Kenshiro Takagi
pp. 6164-6168 [View PDF (117 kB)]


Intrinsic conductivity of objects having arbitrary shape and conductivity
E. J. Garboczi and J. F. Douglas
pp. 6169-6180 [View PDF (1,768 kB)]
From one cell to the whole froth: A dynamical map
T. Aste, D. Boosé, and N. Rivier
pp. 6181-6191 [View PDF (256 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Double-layer capacitance on a rough metal surface
L. I. Daikhin, A. A. Kornyshev, and M. Urbakh
pp. 6192-6199 [View PDF (181 kB)]
Statistical analysis of off-lattice diffusion-limited aggregates in channel and sector geometries
A. Arneodo, J. Elezgaray, M. Tabard, and F. Tallet
pp. 6200-6223 [View PDF (849 kB)]
Nonexponential relaxation of density fluctuations in charge-stabilized colloids
Peter Baur, Gerhard Nägele, and Rudolf Klein
pp. 6224-6237 [View PDF (282 kB)]
Monte Carlo simulations of randomly branched polymers with annealed and quenched branching structures
Shi-Min Cui and Zheng Yu Chen
pp. 6238-6243 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Weakly nonlinear morphological instability of a cylindrical crystal growing from a pure undercooled melt
Partha P. Debroy and Robert F. Sekerka
pp. 6244-6252 [View PDF (230 kB)]
First-principles molecular dynamics of liquid alkali metals based on the quantal hypernetted chain theory
Shaw Kambayashi and Junzo Chihara
pp. 6253-6263 [View PDF (225 kB)]
Specific heat capacity singularity and related weak anomalies in the nitroethane-cyclohexane critical binary mixture
J. Thoen, J. Hamelin, and T. K. Bose
pp. 6264-6270 [View PDF (152 kB)]
Correlated energy landscape model for finite, random heteropolymers
Steven S. Plotkin, Jin Wang, and Peter G. Wolynes
pp. 6271-6296 [View PDF (1,919 kB)]
Statistical physics of the freely jointed chain
Martial Mazars
pp. 6297-6319 [View PDF (478 kB)]

Biological physics

Collective oscillations in microtubule growth
B. Houchmandzadeh and M. Vallade
pp. 6320-6324 [View PDF (132 kB)]
Using phase transitions to investigate the effect of salts on protein interactions
Michael L. Broide, Tina M. Tominc, and Marc D. Saxowsky
pp. 6325-6335 [View PDF (259 kB)]
Hidden peculiarities in the potential energy time series of a tripeptide highlighted by a recurrence plot analysis: A molecular dynamics simulation
Alessandro Giuliani and Cesare Manetti
pp. 6336-6340 [View PDF (130 kB)]
Equivalence between learning in noisy perceptrons and tree committee machines
Mauro Copelli, Osame Kinouchi, and Nestor Caticha
pp. 6341-6352 [View PDF (291 kB)]
Entrainment and termination of reentrant wave propagation in a periodically stimulated ring of excitable media
Taishin Nomura and Leon Glass
pp. 6353-6360 [View PDF (203 kB)]
Space of interactions with definite symmetry in neural networks with biased patterns as a spin-glass problem
Alba Theumann
pp. 6361-6370 [View PDF (203 kB)]


Possible origin of power-law behavior in n-tuple Zipf analysis
András Czirók, H. Eugene Stanley, and Tamás Vicsek
pp. 6371-6375 [View PDF (148 kB)]

Plasma physics

Electromagnetic waves emitted from an electron-positron plasma cloud moving across a magnetic field
Tadashi Kitanishi, Jun-Ichi Sakai, Ken-Ichi Nishikawa, and Jie Zhao
pp. 6376-6381 [View PDF (329 kB)]
Multicomponent diffusion in two-temperature magnetohydrodynamics
J. D. Ramshaw and C. H. Chang
pp. 6382-6388 [View PDF (151 kB)]
Stark broadening and shift of the first two Paschen lines of hydrogen
A. Döhrn, P. Nowack, A. Könies, S. Günter, and V. Helbig
pp. 6389-6395 [View PDF (159 kB)]
Spectroscopy of compressed high energy density matter
N. C. Woolsey, A. Asfaw, B. Hammel, C. Keane, C. A. Back, A. Calisti, C. Mossé, R. Stamm, B. Talin, J. S. Wark, R. W. Lee, and L. Klein
pp. 6396-6402 [View PDF (150 kB)]

Physics of beams

Stability domain of planar symplectic maps using invariant manifolds
M. Giovannozzi
pp. 6403-6412 [View PDF (368 kB)]


Measurement of subpicosecond electron pulses
Hung-chi Lihn, Pamela Kung, Chitrlada Settakorn, Helmut Wiedemann, and David Bocek
pp. 6413-6418 [View PDF (171 kB)]

Physics of beams

Radiation generation by photoswitched, periodically biased semiconductors
E. Esarey, P. Sprangle, B. Hafizi, and P. Serafim
pp. 6419-6426 [View PDF (198 kB)]


Particle acceleration in an active medium
Levi Schächter
pp. 6427-6434 [View PDF (245 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Motion of three inelastic particles on a ring
Elizabeth Grossman and Muhittin Mungan
pp. 6435-6449 [View PDF (473 kB)]
Penetration of electromagnetic velocity fields through a conducting wall of finite thickness
Timothy H. Boyer
pp. 6450-6459 [View PDF (218 kB)]
Theory and simulation of classical and quantum echoes
G. Manfredi and M. R. Feix
pp. 6460-6470 [View PDF (301 kB)]
Soliton interaction in nonequilibrium dynamical systems
V. V. Afanasjev and N. Akhmediev
pp. 6471-6475 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Interaction of a soliton with point impurities in an inhomogeneous, discrete nonlinear Schrödinger system
V. V. Konotop, David Cai, M. Salerno, A. R. Bishop, and Niels Grønbech-Jensen
pp. 6476-6485 [View PDF (230 kB)]
Multiple forward scattering of scalar waves through inhomogeneously random burstlike media
Joseph Gozani
pp. 6486-6491 [View PDF (158 kB)]
Coherent Raman response and spectral characteristics of ultrashort solitons in fibers
J. Herrmann and A. Nazarkin
pp. 6492-6495 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Stochastic model for the motion of a particle on an inclined rough plane and the onset of viscous friction
G. G. Batrouni, S. Dippel, and L. Samson
pp. 6496-6503 [View PDF (212 kB)]

Computational physics

Real-time dynamics from imaginary-time quantum Monte Carlo simulations: Tests on oscillator chains
J. Bonča and J. E. Gubernatis
pp. 6504-6513 [View PDF (206 kB)]
Computational model for coupled electron-photon transport in two dimensions
R. P. Datta, S. D. Altekar, A. K. Ray, and J. E. Morel
pp. 6514-6522 [View PDF (155 kB)]
Electron-wave-function calculation in the continuous part of the spectrum: The case of slowly varying potential asymptotics
M. Tadić, Z. Ikonić, and V. Milanović
pp. 6523-6529 [View PDF (160 kB)]
Multicanonical Monte Carlo study of solid-solid phase coexistence in a model colloid
G. R. Smith and A. D. Bruce
pp. 6530-6543 [View PDF (296 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics


General methods of statistical physics

Noise and synchronization in chaotic systems
G. Malescio
pp. 6551-6554 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Uncertainty in coupled chaotic systems: Locally intermingled basins of attraction
Tomasz Kapitaniak
pp. 6555-6557 [View PDF (82 kB)]
Zeros of the partition function for a continuum system at first-order transitions
Koo-Chul Lee
pp. 6558-6561 [View PDF (116 kB)]
Supertransient chaos in the two-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
R. Braun and F. Feudel
pp. 6562-6565 [View PDF (126 kB)]
Synchronization of the Lorenz system through continuous feedback control
G. Malescio
pp. 6566-6568 [View PDF (55 kB)]


Fractal scaling of small-angle neutron scattering from nonionic micellar solutions below the cloud temperature
S. V. G. Menon, P. S. Goyal, B. A. Dasannacharya, and P. Thiyagarajan
pp. 6569-6572 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Elastic string in a random medium
Hernán A. Makse, Albert-László Barabási, and H. Eugene Stanley
pp. 6573-6576 [View PDF (120 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Scaling-violation anomaly at critical wetting
A. O. Parry and C. J. Boulter
pp. 6577-6580 [View PDF (124 kB)]

Plasma physics

Stark broadening and shift of selected neutral neon lines
A. Döhrn and V. Helbig
pp. 6581-6584 [View PDF (63 kB)]



Erratum: Chaotic behavior of renormalization flow in a complex magnetic field
Brian P. Dolan
pp. 6590 [View PDF (90 kB)]
Erratum: Kinetic theory of multicomponent dense mixtures of slightly inelastic spherical particles
Piroz Zamankhan
pp. 6590 [View PDF (90 kB)]